“If we touch one life, we’ve done the work of a lifetime.”

Registration Closed

Outreach Overview

Our program will serve as an eye-opener on the challenges of self-identity, self–esteem, self-awareness, self-confidence, assertiveness, peer pressure amongst other topics. Volunteers will set up, break down, assemble, distribute materials, collect forms, assist youth with on the spot educational needs and serve where help is needed. Volunteers will stay in a private lodge in Malkerns, eSwatini 15 minutes away from the camp where the outreach will be taking place.

Outreach Schedule

Friday, January 4 - Depart from home city for eSwatini (Swaziland)

(This is a US departure date; other countries may vary)

Sunday, January 6 - Arrive in Johannesburg, drive to eSwatini, lodge check-in, setup for camp, organize supplies

Monday, January 7 - Summer Camp Sukuma - Color My World

Tuesday, January 8 - Summer Camp Sukuma - PSL breakout session

Wednesday, January 9 - Summer Camp Sukuma - Online Invasion

Thursday, January 10 - Summer Camp Sukuma - Team Visit and lunch with the Rhemeyer’s

Friday, January 11 - Summer Camp Sukuma - Walk of Purpose

Saturday, January 12 - Lodge-check out, leave for HLane, lodge-check-in Big Game Park

Sunday, January 13 - HLane tour, Shopping

Monday, January 14 - Depart eSwatini to USA

Tuesday, January 15 - Arrive in USA early morning

Contact Information: 
(951) 455-4582

Power Speaks Louder
Global Outreach Coordinator 
P.O. Box 1264
Moreno Valley, CA 92551